Bit at Brazoria Beach.
Everything’s ___________ in Texas.
I feel like I’m starting from scratch exercising.
Good beach camping experience.
Can’t stop thinking about those hiking pants I want.
Trip to Bass Pro Shop.
Yoga at the Navarro Rest Stop. Texas knows how to do rest stops.
#1. I am loving my pants!
#2. I brought way too many soy nuts.
Don’t call it a hot flash.
Spoiled in Dallas.
Artwork at 5:25: Giant bird painting by
Stranded on the side of the road.
Music at 6:00: The Lakes of Pontchartrain (Public domain) performed by Alan and Phil. Used with permission.
Margaret is my hero!
Ford Dealership in Dallas quote to fix parking brake: over $800.
Schmidty’s Garage in Huntington Beach, CA fixed it for less than $200.
A 53 year old van life wannabe decides to try an 8 week coast to coast trip alone in her van. Will she like it? What will she learn? Subscribe and see!
See all of Angela’s gear here:
Van Life Wannabe | The Series in order: